There are instances where we will need to get a new computer. It might be for work, school, or other reasons. It could also be our first computer, an addition to the computer we already have or to replace our old, archaic or non-functional computer. Irrespective of the reason why you want to buy a computer, you should first read reviews on US-Reviews to know the right type of computer to buy and where to buy it. After buying the computer, here are some things that you should do.
Format it if necessary
The first thing that you should consider doing after buying a new computer is formatting it. This is especially if you bought it used or if it does not come with the operating system you intended to use on it. However, if you bought it brand new and it comes with the operating system you intended to use on it, then it should come in a state that is as good as formatted. Furthermore, all the drivers will already be in order and you have some software that will come with the computer that you might need as you use the computer.
Secure your computer
After formatting your computer or deciding not to, you should secure your computer. The best way to secure your computer is by getting a good anti-virus and VPN for your computer. You can read about computer security software companies’ reviews to know the right type of security to get for your computer. You can easily purchase the security software from the right companies and install them on your computer. This will help to protect your computer from viruses, malware, and hackers among others.
Install the software you will need
There is a wide range of software that you can install on your computer. Chances are that you might already know the software you will need or you might just know a few. Virtually every computer will need the Microsoft Office suite or at the very least, an equivalent of a Word Processor and Spreadsheet package for their computer.
You will also need a web browser for surfing the Internet. Depending on what you want to use the computer for, you will have several options of software available. You can settle for the software you have already learned and the ones you intend to learn. You can subsequently install them on your computer to make your computer functional.
Other types of software you might need are drivers for the hardware of your computer. This will include hardware that came with the computer (especially if you formatted it) and other hardware you might be purchasing. Be sure you have installed all the software you will need for your computer.
Get computer accessories you will need
There are several types of computer accessories you can get for your computer including printers, gamepads, and speakers among others. If it is a laptop, you might also need a laptop table and USB fan among others. Identify all the computer accessories you will need and get them for the computer.
Customize it to your taste
Customizing your computer is also very important. You might want to change the desktop background to your picture, picture of your spouse, or picture related to your favorite football club among others. You can also create new folders for the different types of files you want to save. You can bring in the files from your old computer or important files from your external hard disk. Properly customizing your computer will make it to become fully yours and you will find it easier to find files and using the computer.
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